As a consumer, you’ve never had more choices around how you source information and purchase products. However, some purchasing decisions require more information and expert knowledge than others so you can feel confident that you have made the right choice.
Insurance, particularly Business Insurance, is one area of specialised knowledge that can prove to be a quagmire of information for people who are not experts in this field.
Our clients tell us that using a broker to aid their purchasing decisions benefits them in much the same way that it does when they employ the services of an accountant to do their tax instead of lodging direct with the Australian Tax Office.
In essence, you pay a little extra upfront for a much bigger return.
Our claims team recently dealt with a situation, which illustrates perfectly to you the added value of utilising an insurance broker.
Following a storm one evening, a dental clinic noticed that their dental drill had stopped working. A repairer attended the clinic and reported that the possible cause was a power surge.
Our client approached their electricity company, who advised that they had no record of any large interruption at that time however it could have been a small surge, which they do not record.
The repairer was unable to confirm beyond doubt if the breakdown was internal or external. Based on this, the insurer decided to deny the claim in full as they had no evidence that the loss was due to a storm (the client had no Machinery Breakdown cover).
Our client’s claims consultant searched the internet and found evidence of high winds (although no storm) on the Date of Loss. This information was submitted to the insurer and as a result, they revised their decision and accepted the claim in full.
As insurance brokers, we are your advocate.
If you would like a quote tailored for your business please submit your enquiry here. Alternatively, call us on 1300 424 627 to speak directly with one of our knowledgeable brokers.
This insight article is not intended to be personal advice and you should not rely on it as a substitute for any form of personal advice. Please contact Whitbread Associates Pty Ltd ABN 69 005 490 228 Licence Number: 229092 trading as Whitbread Insurance Brokers for further information or refer to our website.