Most people see insurance as a cost. It’s like an investment you never want to cash in on. When you do have a claim however, that “investment” could save your company.
At Whitbread, we place the claims performance of an insurer right alongside the quality of coverage and price of its policies when it comes to recommending an insurance policy that responds to your specific requirements.
We have built a dedicated claims team of highly trained, experienced individuals who have worked for both insurers and brokerages.
Our claims specialists know precisely the elements required to settle a claim quickly. This makes Whitbread unique, says Claims Manager Renee Cassidy. “There is no other medium-size broker that offers such depth of knowledge and exceptional ability to deal with any loss in any class of business.”
The Whitbread claims team drives the entire claims process on your behalf. We only contact you when it’s necessary to give an update on progress or seek additional information about a claim. Any roadblocks will be identified and managed accordingly to ensure nothing stalls the settlement of your claim. Ms Cassidy says this is one of the key benefits of using a broker.
“If there are any issues with a claim, our in-depth knowledge and experience enables us to deal directly with key decision-makers in insurance companies and know their criteria for settling such claims.”
The superior approach to claims at Whitbread – on top of getting the coverage and price right in the first place – allows us to deliver “the full package” to you.
“This is what our clients seek from us. It’s their expectation and it’s ours as well.”
For more advice on the claims lodgement process, or to speak to one of our claims consultants, please contact Whitbread Insurance Brokers on 1300 424 627.
This insight article is not intended to be personal advice and you should not rely on it as a substitute for any form of personal advice. Please contact Whitbread Associates Pty Ltd ABN 69 005 490 228 Licence Number: 229092 trading as Whitbread Insurance Brokers for further information or refer to our website.