CHU Contents insurance is designed to cover household and personal possessions such as clothing, jewellery, furniture, TVs, computers, internal carpets, blinds and electrical appliances belonging to you and other family members. Contents insurance is incredibly important as it can cover the financial cost of repairing or replacing your household and personal possessions in the event of loss or damage.
For a full explanation of policy terms, conditions and limits you should refer to the Contents Insurance for Strata Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording 104200-06/17 and supplementary PDS. Click here to view the relevant Financial Services Guide.
CHU Landlords insurance is insurance cover for strata property owners who are renting out a unit/apartment to tenants.
The policy is designed to cover:
For a full explanation of policy terms, conditions and limits you should refer to the Landlords Insurance for Strata Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording 104100-06/17. Click here to view the relevant Financial Services Guide.
For personal advice specific to your particular Strata property circumstances, please give us a call on 1300 424 627 to speak to our team of Strata Insurance specialists.
Need to get in touch with the team? Please fill out the form and our team will get in touch shortly.