
Pleasurecraft such as yachts, boats and jetskis provide hours of fun for the whole family but where there’s fun there’s often risk. Pleasurecraft insurance provides peace of mind so no matter what adventures occur on the water, your boating lifestyle remains protected.

With over 1 million recreational craft being used throughout Australia, it’s fair to say we’re a nation of water lovers. Pleasurecraft insurance provides cover for your recreational boating needs, including:

  • Accidental loss, damage, fire and/or explosion and theft to your boat
  • Liability to other people, including death or injury, and damage to their property
  • Agreed or market value policies if your boat is less than 20 years old

Please Note: Below are some of the more common insurance policy features, however, the list is not exhaustive and some features may not be offered by certain insurers. Please refer to the insurer-specific policy wording for inclusions, exclusions, terms and conditions.

Covered Features

Comprehensive Cover

Provides accidental loss, damage, fire and/or explosion and theft to your boat.


Cover for liability to other people, including death or injury, and damage to their property.

Sum Insured Option

Option to choose either agreed or market value policy if your boat is less than 20 years old.


Yes you can obtain a Pleasurecraft Insurance policy that covers fishing gear, water skiing equipment, diving equipment and tools.

Yes we can cover watercraft that is on a trailer whilst in transit.

We can obtain cover for social racing up to 25 nautical miles.

Yes you have your choice of repairer should you require repairs to be made to your watercraft.

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general enquiry

Give us a call, send us an email, or use the enquiry form by clicking the button below. You take the first step, and we’ll take care of the rest.